605 lines
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605 lines
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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Polyfill\Mbstring;
* Partial mbstring implementation in PHP, iconv based, UTF-8 centric.
* Implemented:
* - mb_convert_encoding - Convert character encoding
* - mb_convert_variables - Convert character code in variable(s)
* - mb_decode_mimeheader - Decode string in MIME header field
* - mb_encode_mimeheader - Encode string for MIME header XXX NATIVE IMPLEMENTATION IS REALLY BUGGED
* - mb_convert_case - Perform case folding on a string
* - mb_get_info - Get internal settings of mbstring
* - mb_http_input - Detect HTTP input character encoding
* - mb_http_output - Set/Get HTTP output character encoding
* - mb_internal_encoding - Set/Get internal character encoding
* - mb_list_encodings - Returns an array of all supported encodings
* - mb_output_handler - Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer
* - mb_strlen - Get string length
* - mb_strpos - Find position of first occurrence of string in a string
* - mb_strrpos - Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string
* - mb_strtolower - Make a string lowercase
* - mb_strtoupper - Make a string uppercase
* - mb_substitute_character - Set/Get substitution character
* - mb_substr - Get part of string
* - mb_stripos - Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
* - mb_stristr - Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
* - mb_strrchr - Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another
* - mb_strrichr - Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case insensitive
* - mb_strripos - Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
* - mb_strstr - Finds first occurrence of a string within anothers
* - mb_strwidth - Return width of string
* - mb_substr_count - Count the number of substring occurrences
* Not implemented:
* - mb_convert_kana - Convert "kana" one from another ("zen-kaku", "han-kaku" and more)
* - mb_decode_numericentity - Decode HTML numeric string reference to character
* - mb_encode_numericentity - Encode character to HTML numeric string reference
* - mb_ereg_* - Regular expression with multibyte support
* - mb_parse_str - Parse GET/POST/COOKIE data and set global variable
* - mb_preferred_mime_name - Get MIME charset string
* - mb_regex_encoding - Returns current encoding for multibyte regex as string
* - mb_regex_set_options - Set/Get the default options for mbregex functions
* - mb_send_mail - Send encoded mail
* - mb_split - Split multibyte string using regular expression
* - mb_strcut - Get part of string
* - mb_strimwidth - Get truncated string with specified width
* @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
* @internal
final class Mbstring
private static $encodingList = array('ASCII', 'UTF-8');
private static $language = 'neutral';
private static $internalEncoding = 'UTF-8';
private static $caseFold = array(
array('μ','s','ι', 'σ','β', 'θ', 'φ', 'π', 'κ', 'ρ', 'ε', "\xE1\xB9\xA1",'ι'),
public static function mb_convert_encoding($s, $toEncoding, $fromEncoding = null)
if (is_array($fromEncoding) || false !== strpos($fromEncoding, ',')) {
$fromEncoding = self::mb_detect_encoding($s, $fromEncoding);
} else {
$fromEncoding = self::getEncoding($fromEncoding);
$toEncoding = self::getEncoding($toEncoding);
if ('BASE64' === $fromEncoding) {
$s = base64_decode($s);
$fromEncoding = $toEncoding;
if ('BASE64' === $toEncoding) {
return base64_encode($s);
if ('HTML-ENTITIES' === $toEncoding || 'HTML' === $toEncoding) {
if ('HTML-ENTITIES' === $fromEncoding || 'HTML' === $fromEncoding) {
$fromEncoding = 'Windows-1252';
if ('UTF-8' !== $fromEncoding) {
$s = iconv($fromEncoding, 'UTF-8', $s);
return preg_replace_callback('/[\x80-\xFF]+/', array(__CLASS__, 'html_encoding_callback'), $s);
if ('HTML-ENTITIES' === $fromEncoding) {
$s = html_entity_decode($s, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$fromEncoding = 'UTF-8';
return iconv($fromEncoding, $toEncoding, $s);
public static function mb_convert_variables($toEncoding, $fromEncoding, &$a = null, &$b = null, &$c = null, &$d = null, &$e = null, &$f = null)
$vars = array(&$a, &$b, &$c, &$d, &$e, &$f);
$ok = true;
array_walk_recursive($vars, function (&$v) use (&$ok, $toEncoding, $fromEncoding) {
if (false === $v = Mbstring::mb_convert_encoding($v, $toEncoding, $fromEncoding)) {
$ok = false;
return $ok ? $fromEncoding : false;
public static function mb_decode_mimeheader($s)
return iconv_mime_decode($s, 2, self::$internalEncoding);
public static function mb_encode_mimeheader($s, $charset = null, $transferEncoding = null, $linefeed = null, $indent = null)
trigger_error('mb_encode_mimeheader() is bugged. Please use iconv_mime_encode() instead', E_USER_WARNING);
public static function mb_convert_case($s, $mode, $encoding = null)
if ('' === $s .= '') {
return '';
$encoding = self::getEncoding($encoding);
if ('UTF-8' === $encoding) {
$encoding = null;
} else {
$s = iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8', $s);
if (MB_CASE_TITLE == $mode) {
$s = preg_replace_callback('/\b\p{Ll}/u', array(__CLASS__, 'title_case_upper'), $s);
$s = preg_replace_callback('/\B[\p{Lu}\p{Lt}]+/u', array(__CLASS__, 'title_case_lower'), $s);
} else {
if (MB_CASE_UPPER == $mode) {
static $upper = null;
if (null === $upper) {
$upper = self::getData('upperCase');
$map = $upper;
} else {
if (self::MB_CASE_FOLD === $mode) {
$s = str_replace(self::$caseFold[0], self::$caseFold[1], $s);
static $lower = null;
if (null === $lower) {
$lower = self::getData('lowerCase');
$map = $lower;
static $ulenMask = array("\xC0" => 2, "\xD0" => 2, "\xE0" => 3, "\xF0" => 4);
$i = 0;
$len = strlen($s);
while ($i < $len) {
$ulen = $s[$i] < "\x80" ? 1 : $ulenMask[$s[$i] & "\xF0"];
$uchr = substr($s, $i, $ulen);
$i += $ulen;
if (isset($map[$uchr])) {
$uchr = $map[$uchr];
$nlen = strlen($uchr);
if ($nlen == $ulen) {
$nlen = $i;
do {
$s[--$nlen] = $uchr[--$ulen];
} while ($ulen);
} else {
$s = substr_replace($s, $uchr, $i - $ulen, $ulen);
$len += $nlen - $ulen;
$i += $nlen - $ulen;
if (null === $encoding) {
return $s;
return iconv('UTF-8', $encoding, $s);
public static function mb_internal_encoding($encoding = null)
if (null === $encoding) {
return self::$internalEncoding;
$encoding = self::getEncoding($encoding);
if ('UTF-8' === $encoding || false !== @iconv($encoding, $encoding, ' ')) {
self::$internalEncoding = $encoding;
return true;
return false;
public static function mb_language($lang = null)
if (null === $lang) {
return self::$language;
switch ($lang = strtolower($lang)) {
case 'uni':
case 'neutral':
self::$language = $lang;
return true;
return false;
public static function mb_list_encodings()
return array('UTF-8');
public static function mb_encoding_aliases($encoding)
switch (strtoupper($encoding)) {
case 'UTF8':
case 'UTF-8':
return array('utf8');
return false;
public static function mb_check_encoding($var = null, $encoding = null)
if (null === $encoding) {
if (null === $var) {
return false;
$encoding = self::$internalEncoding;
return self::mb_detect_encoding($var, array($encoding)) || false !== @iconv($encoding, $encoding, $var);
public static function mb_detect_encoding($str, $encodingList = null, $strict = false)
if (null === $encodingList) {
$encodingList = self::$encodingList;
} else {
if (!is_array($encodingList)) {
$encodingList = array_map('trim', explode(',', $encodingList));
$encodingList = array_map('strtoupper', $encodingList);
foreach ($encodingList as $enc) {
switch ($enc) {
case 'ASCII':
if (!preg_match('/[\x80-\xFF]/', $str)) {
return $enc;
case 'UTF8':
case 'UTF-8':
if (preg_match('//u', $str)) {
return 'UTF-8';
if (0 === strncmp($enc, 'ISO-8859-', 9)) {
return $enc;
return false;
public static function mb_detect_order($encodingList = null)
if (null === $encodingList) {
return self::$encodingList;
if (!is_array($encodingList)) {
$encodingList = array_map('trim', explode(',', $encodingList));
$encodingList = array_map('strtoupper', $encodingList);
foreach ($encodingList as $enc) {
switch ($enc) {
if (strncmp($enc, 'ISO-8859-', 9)) {
return false;
case 'ASCII':
case 'UTF8':
case 'UTF-8':
self::$encodingList = $encodingList;
return true;
public static function mb_strlen($s, $encoding = null)
$encoding = self::getEncoding($encoding);
return iconv_strlen($s, $encoding);
public static function mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)
$encoding = self::getEncoding($encoding);
if ('' === $needle .= '') {
trigger_error(__METHOD__.': Empty delimiter', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
return iconv_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding);
public static function mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)
$encoding = self::getEncoding($encoding);
if ($offset != (int) $offset) {
$offset = 0;
} elseif ($offset = (int) $offset) {
if ($offset < 0) {
$haystack = self::mb_substr($haystack, 0, $offset, $encoding);
$offset = 0;
} else {
$haystack = self::mb_substr($haystack, $offset, 2147483647, $encoding);
$pos = iconv_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $encoding);
return false !== $pos ? $offset + $pos : false;
public static function mb_strtolower($s, $encoding = null)
return self::mb_convert_case($s, MB_CASE_LOWER, $encoding);
public static function mb_strtoupper($s, $encoding = null)
return self::mb_convert_case($s, MB_CASE_UPPER, $encoding);
public static function mb_substitute_character($c = null)
if (0 === strcasecmp($c, 'none')) {
return true;
return null !== $c ? false : 'none';
public static function mb_substr($s, $start, $length = null, $encoding = null)
$encoding = self::getEncoding($encoding);
if ($start < 0) {
$start = iconv_strlen($s, $encoding) + $start;
if ($start < 0) {
$start = 0;
if (null === $length) {
$length = 2147483647;
} elseif ($length < 0) {
$length = iconv_strlen($s, $encoding) + $length - $start;
if ($length < 0) {
return '';
return iconv_substr($s, $start, $length, $encoding).'';
public static function mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)
$haystack = self::mb_convert_case($haystack, self::MB_CASE_FOLD, $encoding);
$needle = self::mb_convert_case($needle, self::MB_CASE_FOLD, $encoding);
return self::mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding);
public static function mb_stristr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)
$pos = self::mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, 0, $encoding);
return self::getSubpart($pos, $part, $haystack, $encoding);
public static function mb_strrchr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)
$encoding = self::getEncoding($encoding);
$needle = self::mb_substr($needle, 0, 1, $encoding);
$pos = iconv_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $encoding);
return self::getSubpart($pos, $part, $haystack, $encoding);
public static function mb_strrichr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)
$needle = self::mb_substr($needle, 0, 1, $encoding);
$pos = self::mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $encoding);
return self::getSubpart($pos, $part, $haystack, $encoding);
public static function mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)
$haystack = self::mb_convert_case($haystack, self::MB_CASE_FOLD, $encoding);
$needle = self::mb_convert_case($needle, self::MB_CASE_FOLD, $encoding);
return self::mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding);
public static function mb_strstr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)
$pos = strpos($haystack, $needle);
if (false === $pos) {
return false;
if ($part) {
return substr($haystack, 0, $pos);
return substr($haystack, $pos);
public static function mb_get_info($type = 'all')
$info = array(
'internal_encoding' => self::$internalEncoding,
'http_output' => 'pass',
'http_output_conv_mimetypes' => '^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml)',
'func_overload' => 0,
'func_overload_list' => 'no overload',
'mail_charset' => 'UTF-8',
'mail_header_encoding' => 'BASE64',
'mail_body_encoding' => 'BASE64',
'illegal_chars' => 0,
'encoding_translation' => 'Off',
'language' => self::$language,
'detect_order' => self::$encodingList,
'substitute_character' => 'none',
'strict_detection' => 'Off',
if ('all' === $type) {
return $info;
if (isset($info[$type])) {
return $info[$type];
return false;
public static function mb_http_input($type = '')
return false;
public static function mb_http_output($encoding = null)
return null !== $encoding ? 'pass' === $encoding : 'pass';
public static function mb_strwidth($s, $encoding = null)
$encoding = self::getEncoding($encoding);
if ('UTF-8' !== $encoding) {
$s = iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8', $s);
$s = preg_replace('/[\x{1100}-\x{115F}\x{2329}\x{232A}\x{2E80}-\x{303E}\x{3040}-\x{A4CF}\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}\x{F900}-\x{FAFF}\x{FE10}-\x{FE19}\x{FE30}-\x{FE6F}\x{FF00}-\x{FF60}\x{FFE0}-\x{FFE6}\x{20000}-\x{2FFFD}\x{30000}-\x{3FFFD}]/u', '', $s, -1, $wide);
return ($wide << 1) + iconv_strlen($s, 'UTF-8');
public static function mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle, $encoding = null)
return substr_count($haystack, $needle);
public static function mb_output_handler($contents, $status)
return $contents;
private static function getSubpart($pos, $part, $haystack, $encoding)
if (false === $pos) {
return false;
if ($part) {
return self::mb_substr($haystack, 0, $pos, $encoding);
return self::mb_substr($haystack, $pos, null, $encoding);
private static function html_encoding_callback($m)
$i = 1;
$entities = '';
$m = unpack('C*', htmlentities($m[0], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
while (isset($m[$i])) {
if (0x80 > $m[$i]) {
$entities .= chr($m[$i++]);
if (0xF0 <= $m[$i]) {
$c = (($m[$i++] - 0xF0) << 18) + (($m[$i++] - 0x80) << 12) + (($m[$i++] - 0x80) << 6) + $m[$i++] - 0x80;
} elseif (0xE0 <= $m[$i]) {
$c = (($m[$i++] - 0xE0) << 12) + (($m[$i++] - 0x80) << 6) + $m[$i++] - 0x80;
} else {
$c = (($m[$i++] - 0xC0) << 6) + $m[$i++] - 0x80;
$entities .= '&#'.$c.';';
return $entities;
private static function title_case_lower($s)
return self::mb_convert_case($s[0], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8');
private static function title_case_upper($s)
return self::mb_convert_case($s[0], MB_CASE_UPPER, 'UTF-8');
private static function getData($file)
if (file_exists($file = __DIR__.'/Resources/unidata/'.$file.'.ser')) {
return unserialize(file_get_contents($file));
return false;
private static function getEncoding($encoding)
if (null === $encoding) {
return self::$internalEncoding;
$encoding = strtoupper($encoding);
if ('8BIT' === $encoding || 'BINARY' === $encoding) {
return 'CP850';
if ('UTF8' === $encoding) {
return 'UTF-8';
return $encoding;