2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
< ? php
namespace Drupal\locale ;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection ;
* Defines a class to store localized strings in the database .
class StringDatabaseStorage implements StringStorageInterface {
* The database connection .
* @ var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
protected $connection ;
* Additional database connection options to use in queries .
* @ var array
protected $options = array ();
* Constructs a new StringDatabaseStorage class .
* @ param \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection
* A Database connection to use for reading and writing configuration data .
* @ param array $options
* ( optional ) Any additional database connection options to use in queries .
public function __construct ( Connection $connection , array $options = array ()) {
$this -> connection = $connection ;
$this -> options = $options ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function getStrings ( array $conditions = array (), array $options = array ()) {
return $this -> dbStringLoad ( $conditions , $options , 'Drupal\locale\SourceString' );
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function getTranslations ( array $conditions = array (), array $options = array ()) {
return $this -> dbStringLoad ( $conditions , array ( 'translation' => TRUE ) + $options , 'Drupal\locale\TranslationString' );
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function findString ( array $conditions ) {
$values = $this -> dbStringSelect ( $conditions )
-> execute ()
-> fetchAssoc ();
if ( ! empty ( $values )) {
$string = new SourceString ( $values );
$string -> setStorage ( $this );
return $string ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function findTranslation ( array $conditions ) {
$values = $this -> dbStringSelect ( $conditions , array ( 'translation' => TRUE ))
-> execute ()
-> fetchAssoc ();
if ( ! empty ( $values )) {
$string = new TranslationString ( $values );
$this -> checkVersion ( $string , \Drupal :: VERSION );
$string -> setStorage ( $this );
return $string ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function getLocations ( array $conditions = array ()) {
$query = $this -> connection -> select ( 'locales_location' , 'l' , $this -> options )
-> fields ( 'l' );
foreach ( $conditions as $field => $value ) {
// Cast scalars to array so we can consistently use an IN condition.
$query -> condition ( 'l.' . $field , ( array ) $value , 'IN' );
return $query -> execute () -> fetchAll ();
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function countStrings () {
return $this -> dbExecute ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM { locales_source} " ) -> fetchField ();
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function countTranslations () {
return $this -> dbExecute ( " SELECT t.language, COUNT(*) AS translated FROM { locales_source} s INNER JOIN { locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid GROUP BY t.language " ) -> fetchAllKeyed ();
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function save ( $string ) {
if ( $string -> isNew ()) {
$result = $this -> dbStringInsert ( $string );
if ( $string -> isSource () && $result ) {
// Only for source strings, we set the locale identifier.
$string -> setId ( $result );
$string -> setStorage ( $this );
else {
$this -> dbStringUpdate ( $string );
// Update locations if they come with the string.
$this -> updateLocation ( $string );
return $this ;
* Update locations for string .
* @ param \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string
* The string object .
protected function updateLocation ( $string ) {
if ( $locations = $string -> getLocations ( TRUE )) {
$created = FALSE ;
foreach ( $locations as $type => $location ) {
foreach ( $location as $name => $lid ) {
// Make sure that the name isn't longer than 255 characters.
$name = substr ( $name , 0 , 255 );
if ( ! $lid ) {
$this -> dbDelete ( 'locales_location' , array ( 'sid' => $string -> getId (), 'type' => $type , 'name' => $name ))
-> execute ();
elseif ( $lid === TRUE ) {
// This is a new location to add, take care not to duplicate.
$this -> connection -> merge ( 'locales_location' , $this -> options )
-> keys ( array ( 'sid' => $string -> getId (), 'type' => $type , 'name' => $name ))
-> fields ( array ( 'version' => \Drupal :: VERSION ))
-> execute ();
$created = TRUE ;
// Loaded locations have 'lid' integer value, nor FALSE, nor TRUE.
if ( $created ) {
// As we've set a new location, check string version too.
$this -> checkVersion ( $string , \Drupal :: VERSION );
* Checks whether the string version matches a given version , fix it if not .
* @ param \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string
* The string object .
* @ param string $version
* Drupal version to check against .
protected function checkVersion ( $string , $version ) {
if ( $string -> getId () && $string -> getVersion () != $version ) {
$string -> setVersion ( $version );
$this -> connection -> update ( 'locales_source' , $this -> options )
-> condition ( 'lid' , $string -> getId ())
-> fields ( array ( 'version' => $version ))
-> execute ();
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function delete ( $string ) {
if ( $keys = $this -> dbStringKeys ( $string )) {
$this -> dbDelete ( 'locales_target' , $keys ) -> execute ();
if ( $string -> isSource ()) {
$this -> dbDelete ( 'locales_source' , $keys ) -> execute ();
$this -> dbDelete ( 'locales_location' , $keys ) -> execute ();
$string -> setId ( NULL );
else {
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
throw new StringStorageException ( 'The string cannot be deleted because it lacks some key fields: ' . $string -> getString ());
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
return $this ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function deleteStrings ( $conditions ) {
$lids = $this -> dbStringSelect ( $conditions , array ( 'fields' => array ( 'lid' ))) -> execute () -> fetchCol ();
if ( $lids ) {
$this -> dbDelete ( 'locales_target' , array ( 'lid' => $lids )) -> execute ();
$this -> dbDelete ( 'locales_source' , array ( 'lid' => $lids )) -> execute ();
$this -> dbDelete ( 'locales_location' , array ( 'sid' => $lids )) -> execute ();
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function deleteTranslations ( $conditions ) {
$this -> dbDelete ( 'locales_target' , $conditions ) -> execute ();
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function createString ( $values = array ()) {
return new SourceString ( $values + array ( 'storage' => $this ));
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function createTranslation ( $values = array ()) {
return new TranslationString ( $values + array (
'storage' => $this ,
'is_new' => TRUE ,
* Gets table alias for field .
* @ param string $field
* One of the field names of the locales_source , locates_location ,
* locales_target tables to find the table alias for .
* @ return string
* One of the following values :
* - 's' for " source " , " context " , " version " ( locales_source table fields ) .
* - 'l' for " type " , " name " ( locales_location table fields )
* - 't' for " language " , " translation " , " customized " ( locales_target
* table fields )
protected function dbFieldTable ( $field ) {
if ( in_array ( $field , array ( 'language' , 'translation' , 'customized' ))) {
return 't' ;
elseif ( in_array ( $field , array ( 'type' , 'name' ))) {
return 'l' ;
else {
return 's' ;
* Gets table name for storing string object .
* @ param \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string
* The string object .
* @ return string
* The table name .
protected function dbStringTable ( $string ) {
if ( $string -> isSource ()) {
return 'locales_source' ;
elseif ( $string -> isTranslation ()) {
return 'locales_target' ;
* Gets keys values that are in a database table .
* @ param \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string
* The string object .
* @ return array
* Array with key fields if the string has all keys , or empty array if not .
protected function dbStringKeys ( $string ) {
if ( $string -> isSource ()) {
$keys = array ( 'lid' );
elseif ( $string -> isTranslation ()) {
$keys = array ( 'lid' , 'language' );
if ( ! empty ( $keys ) && ( $values = $string -> getValues ( $keys )) && count ( $keys ) == count ( $values )) {
return $values ;
else {
return array ();
* Loads multiple string objects .
* @ param array $conditions
* Any of the conditions used by dbStringSelect () .
* @ param array $options
* Any of the options used by dbStringSelect () .
* @ param string $class
* Class name to use for fetching returned objects .
* @ return \Drupal\locale\StringInterface []
* Array of objects of the class requested .
protected function dbStringLoad ( array $conditions , array $options , $class ) {
$strings = array ();
$result = $this -> dbStringSelect ( $conditions , $options ) -> execute ();
foreach ( $result as $item ) {
/** @var \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string */
$string = new $class ( $item );
$string -> setStorage ( $this );
$strings [] = $string ;
return $strings ;
* Builds a SELECT query with multiple conditions and fields .
* The query uses both 'locales_source' and 'locales_target' tables .
* Note that by default , as we are selecting both translated and untranslated
* strings target field ' s conditions will be modified to match NULL rows too .
* @ param array $conditions
* An associative array with field => value conditions that may include
* NULL values . If a language condition is included it will be used for
* joining the 'locales_target' table .
* @ param array $options
* An associative array of additional options . It may contain any of the
* options used by Drupal\locale\StringStorageInterface :: getStrings () and
* these additional ones :
* - 'translation' , Whether to include translation fields too . Defaults to
* @ return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Select
* Query object with all the tables , fields and conditions .
protected function dbStringSelect ( array $conditions , array $options = array ()) {
// Start building the query with source table and check whether we need to
// join the target table too.
$query = $this -> connection -> select ( 'locales_source' , 's' , $this -> options )
-> fields ( 's' );
// Figure out how to join and translate some options into conditions.
if ( isset ( $conditions [ 'translated' ])) {
// This is a meta-condition we need to translate into simple ones.
if ( $conditions [ 'translated' ]) {
// Select only translated strings.
$join = 'innerJoin' ;
else {
// Select only untranslated strings.
$join = 'leftJoin' ;
$conditions [ 'translation' ] = NULL ;
unset ( $conditions [ 'translated' ]);
else {
$join = ! empty ( $options [ 'translation' ]) ? 'leftJoin' : FALSE ;
if ( $join ) {
if ( isset ( $conditions [ 'language' ])) {
// If we've got a language condition, we use it for the join.
$query -> $join ( 'locales_target' , 't' , " t.lid = s.lid AND t.language = :langcode " , array (
':langcode' => $conditions [ 'language' ],
unset ( $conditions [ 'language' ]);
else {
// Since we don't have a language, join with locale id only.
$query -> $join ( 'locales_target' , 't' , " t.lid = s.lid " );
if ( ! empty ( $options [ 'translation' ])) {
// We cannot just add all fields because 'lid' may get null values.
$query -> fields ( 't' , array ( 'language' , 'translation' , 'customized' ));
// If we have conditions for location's type or name, then we need the
// location table, for which we add a subquery. We cast any scalar value to
// array so we can consistently use IN conditions.
if ( isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) || isset ( $conditions [ 'name' ])) {
$subquery = $this -> connection -> select ( 'locales_location' , 'l' , $this -> options )
-> fields ( 'l' , array ( 'sid' ));
foreach ( array ( 'type' , 'name' ) as $field ) {
if ( isset ( $conditions [ $field ])) {
$subquery -> condition ( 'l.' . $field , ( array ) $conditions [ $field ], 'IN' );
unset ( $conditions [ $field ]);
$query -> condition ( 's.lid' , $subquery , 'IN' );
// Add conditions for both tables.
foreach ( $conditions as $field => $value ) {
$table_alias = $this -> dbFieldTable ( $field );
$field_alias = $table_alias . '.' . $field ;
if ( is_null ( $value )) {
$query -> isNull ( $field_alias );
elseif ( $table_alias == 't' && $join === 'leftJoin' ) {
// Conditions for target fields when doing an outer join only make
// sense if we add also OR field IS NULL.
$query -> condition ( db_or ()
-> condition ( $field_alias , ( array ) $value , 'IN' )
-> isNull ( $field_alias )
else {
$query -> condition ( $field_alias , ( array ) $value , 'IN' );
// Process other options, string filter, query limit, etc.
if ( ! empty ( $options [ 'filters' ])) {
if ( count ( $options [ 'filters' ]) > 1 ) {
$filter = db_or ();
$query -> condition ( $filter );
else {
// If we have a single filter, just add it to the query.
$filter = $query ;
foreach ( $options [ 'filters' ] as $field => $string ) {
$filter -> condition ( $this -> dbFieldTable ( $field ) . '.' . $field , '%' . db_like ( $string ) . '%' , 'LIKE' );
if ( ! empty ( $options [ 'pager limit' ])) {
$query = $query -> extend ( 'Drupal\Core\Database\Query\PagerSelectExtender' ) -> limit ( $options [ 'pager limit' ]);
return $query ;
* Creates a database record for a string object .
* @ param \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string
* The string object .
* @ return bool | int
* If the operation failed , returns FALSE .
* If it succeeded returns the last insert ID of the query , if one exists .
* @ throws \Drupal\locale\StringStorageException
* If the string is not suitable for this storage , an exception is thrown .
protected function dbStringInsert ( $string ) {
if ( $string -> isSource ()) {
$string -> setValues ( array ( 'context' => '' , 'version' => 'none' ), FALSE );
$fields = $string -> getValues ( array ( 'source' , 'context' , 'version' ));
elseif ( $string -> isTranslation ()) {
$string -> setValues ( array ( 'customized' => 0 ), FALSE );
$fields = $string -> getValues ( array ( 'lid' , 'language' , 'translation' , 'customized' ));
if ( ! empty ( $fields )) {
return $this -> connection -> insert ( $this -> dbStringTable ( $string ), $this -> options )
-> fields ( $fields )
-> execute ();
else {
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
throw new StringStorageException ( 'The string cannot be saved: ' . $string -> getString ());
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
* Updates string object in the database .
* @ param \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string
* The string object .
* @ return bool | int
* If the record update failed , returns FALSE . If it succeeded , returns
* @ throws \Drupal\locale\StringStorageException
* If the string is not suitable for this storage , an exception is thrown .
protected function dbStringUpdate ( $string ) {
if ( $string -> isSource ()) {
$values = $string -> getValues ( array ( 'source' , 'context' , 'version' ));
elseif ( $string -> isTranslation ()) {
$values = $string -> getValues ( array ( 'translation' , 'customized' ));
if ( ! empty ( $values ) && $keys = $this -> dbStringKeys ( $string )) {
return $this -> connection -> merge ( $this -> dbStringTable ( $string ), $this -> options )
-> keys ( $keys )
-> fields ( $values )
-> execute ();
else {
2015-08-27 19:03:05 +00:00
throw new StringStorageException ( 'The string cannot be updated: ' . $string -> getString ());
2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00
* Creates delete query .
* @ param string $table
* The table name .
* @ param array $keys
* Array with object keys indexed by field name .
* @ return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Delete
* Returns a new Delete object for the injected database connection .
protected function dbDelete ( $table , $keys ) {
$query = $this -> connection -> delete ( $table , $this -> options );
foreach ( $keys as $field => $value ) {
$query -> condition ( $field , $value );
return $query ;
* Executes an arbitrary SELECT query string with the injected options .
protected function dbExecute ( $query , array $args = array ()) {
return $this -> connection -> query ( $query , $args , $this -> options );
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2015-08-18 00:00:26 +00:00