# Installation 1. Run `vagrant up` or `vagrant up --provision` if needed, to start Vagrant and provision the virtual machine using the `tools/ansible/provision.yml` playbook. This will set up a LAMP stack with Apache, MySQL, PHP and Composer. If you try loading the site at this point you will see a `The requested URL was not found on this server` message as the site has not yet been deployed. ![A browser showing a 'Not Found' error](images/before-deploy.png) 1. Run the deploy playbook to deploy the application code to the virtual machine. The Vault password, which is `dransible`, is stored in `tools/ansible/vault-password.txt` as this is an example project. ``` ansible-playbook tools/ansible/deploy.yml \ -i tools/ansible/hosts.yml \ --vault-password-file=tools/ansible/vault-password.txt ``` 1. Load `http://dransible` in a browser, and you should see a Drupal 8 website. ![A browser showing the front page of a Drupal website](images/after-deploy.png)