Disable verbose commits as this seems to be causing an issue with Neogit where the diff is unintentionally included within the commit message.
91 lines
3.1 KiB
91 lines
3.1 KiB
{ config, pkgs, lib, libs, ... }:
programs.git = {
enable = true;
userName = "Oliver Davies";
userEmail = "oliver@oliverdavies.uk";
aliases = {
aa = "add --all";
assume = "update-index --assume-unchanged";
assumed = "!git ls-files -v | grep '^[hsmrck?]' | cut -c 3-";
b = "branch";
browse = "!gh repo view --web";
ca = "commit --amend --verbose";
car = "commit --amend --no-edit";
cl = "!hub clone";
co = "checkout";
compare = "!hub compare";
current-branch = "rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD";
dc = "diff --color --word-diff --cached";
df = "diff --color --word-diff";
dup = "!git checkout develop && git fetch origin && echo && git sl develop..origin/develop && echo && git pull --quiet && git checkout -";
fixup = "commit --fixup";
issues = "!gh issue list --web";
mup = "!git master-to-main-wrapper checkout %BRANCH% && git fetch origin && echo && git sl %BRANCH%..origin/%BRANCH% && echo && git pull --quiet && git checkout -";
nah = "!git reset --hard && git clean -fd";
no-ff = "merge --no-ff";
pl = "pull";
prune = "remote prune origin";
ps = "push";
pulls = "!gh pr list --web";
rbc = "rebase --continue";
rdup = "!git dup && git rebase develop";
remotes = "remote -v";
repush = "!git pull --rebase && git push";
ri = "rebase --interactive";
rid = "!git rebase -i $(git merge-base develop HEAD)";
rim = "!git rebase -i $(git master-to-main-wrapper merge-base %BRANCH% HEAD)";
rip = "!git rebase -i $(git merge-base production HEAD)";
ris = "!git rebase -i $(git merge-base staging HEAD)";
riu = "!git rebase -i $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u})";
rmup = "!git mup && git master-to-main-wrapper rebase %BRANCH%";
sl = "log --oneline --decorate -20";
sla = "log --oneline --decorate --graph --all -20";
slap = "log --oneline --decorate --graph --all";
slp = "log --oneline --decorate";
staged = "diff --staged";
unassume = "update-index --no-assume-unchanged";
uncommit = "reset --soft HEAD^";
unstage = "reset";
upstream = "rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}";
ureset = "!git reset --hard $(git upstream)";
wip = "!git add . && git commit -m 'wip'";
worktrees = "worktree list";
extraConfig = {
branch = {
autosetupmerge = true;
autosetuprebase = "always";
checkout.defaultRemote = "origin";
color.ui = true;
commit = {
template = "~/.gitmessage";
core = {
editor = "nvim";
excludesFile = "~/.gitignore-global";
pager = "delta";
delta.line-numbers = true;
diff.tool = "vimdiff";
fetch.prune = true;
grep.lineNumber = true;
help.autocorrect = "1";
init.templatedir = "~/.git_template";
merge.ff = "only";
rebase = {
autosquash = true;
autostash = true;
push.default = "upstream";
pull = {
ff = "only";
rebase = true;