{ inputs, pkgs, ... }: let php = pkgs.php82; phpPackages = pkgs.php82Packages; inherit (pkgs) writeShellScriptBin; script-t = writeShellScriptBin "t" '' # Credit to ThePrimeagen. set -o nounset set -o pipefail if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then selected=$1 else # Get the session name from fuzzy-finding list of directories and generating a # tmux-safe version. items=$(find ~/Code/* ~/Code ~ ~/Documents /tmp \ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d \ ! -name "*-old" \ ! -name "*.old" ) selected=$(echo "''${items}" | fzf) fi if [[ -z "''${selected}" ]]; then exit 0 fi session_name=$(basename "''${selected}" | sed 's/\./_/g') session_path="''${selected}" # Git worktrees. if [[ -e "''${selected}/main" ]]; then session_path="''${selected}/main" fi if tmux has-session -t "''${session_name}" 2> /dev/null; then tmux attach -t "''${session_name}" fi tmux new-session -d -s "''${session_name}" -c "''${session_path}" tmux switch-client -t "''${session_name}" || tmux attach -t "''${session_name}" ''; in with pkgs; [ script-t inputs.build-configs.packages.${pkgs.system}.default awscli2 bitwarden-cli bottom cachix ctop delta dog doppler entr fd file gcc gh git git-crypt gnupg go htop inotify-tools jq lua mysql php phpPackages.composer pv rustywind tldr tree tree-sitter unzip virtualenv wget xcp xh yarn ]