{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: builtins.elem (lib.getName pkg) [ "intelephense" "postman" ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ bottom ctop delta file fzf gcc gh git git-crypt just tree-sitter htop jq lua mysql neofetch nodejs php81 platformsh postman pulumi-bin pv ripgrep tldr tmuxinator tree unzip wget yarn zoxide # LSP html-tidy nodePackages."@ansible/ansible-language-server" nodePackages."@tailwindcss/language-server" nodePackages.bash-language-server nodePackages.dockerfile-language-server-nodejs nodePackages.eslint nodePackages.intelephense nodePackages.markdownlint-cli nodePackages.prettier nodePackages.typescript nodePackages.typescript-language-server nodePackages.vls nodePackages.vscode-langservers-extracted nodePackages.yaml-language-server php81Packages.phpcbf php81Packages.phpcs php81Packages.phpstan rnix-lsp shellcheck sumneko-lua-language-server ]; programs.bat.enable = true; programs.neovim = { enable = true; plugins = let phpactor = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin { name = "phpactor"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "phpactor"; repo = "phpactor"; rev = "master"; sha256 = "j2rGPMiST85feqk5Nj4KrjxyhfbUjYEKAec+bzPEJZQ="; }; }; in with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ comment-nvim git-worktree-nvim gitsigns-nvim harpoon impatient-nvim indent-blankline-nvim neogit nvim-web-devicons refactoring-nvim rest-nvim splitjoin-vim vim-abolish vim-highlightedyank vim-polyglot vim-repeat vim-surround vim-test vim-tmux-navigator vimux # Debugging nvim-dap nvim-dap-ui nvim-dap-virtual-text # Treesitter nvim-treesitter nvim-treesitter-context nvim-treesitter-textobjects # LSP null-ls-nvim nvim-lspconfig lsp-status-nvim phpactor # Completion cmp-buffer cmp-cmdline cmp-nvim-lsp cmp-path cmp-tabnine cmp-treesitter cmp-vsnip cmp_luasnip lspkind-nvim nvim-cmp # Snippets luasnip # Telescope plenary-nvim popup-nvim telescope-file-browser-nvim telescope-fzf-native-nvim telescope-nvim telescope-ui-select-nvim # Databases vim-dadbod vim-dadbod-ui vim-dadbod-completion # Themes nightfox-nvim ]; }; home.sessionPath = [ "$HOME/.config/bin" ]; xdg.configFile.bin = { source = ../../../bin; recursive = true; }; xdg.configFile.nvim = { source = ../../../config/neovim; recursive = true; }; }