# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com), but adapted to work with trunk-based development and continuous delivery. Instead of grouping changes by tag, they are grouped by the date they are released. ## 12th December 2023 ## Added * Add [espanso](https://espanso.org) as a text expander. ## 21st November 2023 ### Added * Add CHANGELOG.md. * More i3 key mappings for navigating between and focusing windows, as well as volume and brightness control. ### Changed * Updated Harpoon mappings. * Make the monitor ID and mode configurable in `switch-to-laptop-screen` and `switch-to-monitor` scripts. ### Fixed * Prevent `markdownlint` from showing errors for line lengths and duplicate non-sibling headings, making it easier to work with files, such as CHANGELOG.md, that contains the same headings multiple times.