[color] ui = true [color "branch"] current = yellow bold local = green bold remote = cyan bold [color "diff"] meta = yellow bold frag = magenta bold old = red bold new = green bold whitespace = red reverse [color "status"] added = green bold changed = yellow bold untracked = red bold [branch] autosetupmerge = true [alias] aa = add --all ap = add --patch br = branch c = commit -v ca = commit --amend caa = commit --amend -a -C HEAD cl = clone co = checkout f = fetch g = grep --break --heading --line-number lg = log --oneline --all --graph --decorate prb = pull --rebase ra = rebase --abort rc = rebase --continue st = status -s undo = reset --hard unstage = reset HEAD -- wipe = clean -fd [core] excludesFile = ~/.gitignore-global whitespace = trailing-space [case] ignorecase = true [grep] lineNumber = true patternType = extended [fetch] prune = true [help] autocorrect = 1 [gitsh] nogreeting = true # Moved this into .gitconfig-local as this can be different depending on the version of Git. # [push] # default = simple [diff] tool = vimdiff [include] path = ~/.gitconfig-local