{ pkgs, ... }: { programs.zsh = { enable = true; enableCompletion = false; dotDir = ".config/zsh"; initExtra = '' # Based on https://github.com/rwxrob/dot/blob/f4240010a82609da352b203103ab548f213a4328/.bashrc#L313. clone() { repo_url="$1" # Extract the remote domain (e.g. github.com) from the repo URL. domain="''${repo_url#*://}" if [[ "''${domain}" == *@*:* ]]; then # SSH repo URL: domain ends at the colon. domain="''${domain#*@}" domain="''${domain%%:*}" else # HTTPS repo URL: domain ends at the slash. domain="''${domain%%/*}" fi # TODO: make it work with multi-level URLS - e.g. https://gitlab.com/a/b/c/d.git user_and_repo_name="''${repo_url}" user_and_repo_name="''${user_and_repo_name#git@bitbucket.org:}" user_and_repo_name="''${user_and_repo_name#git@github.com:}" user_and_repo_name="''${user_and_repo_name#git@gitlab.com:}" user_and_repo_name="''${user_and_repo_name#https://bitbucket.org/}" user_and_repo_name="''${user_and_repo_name#https://github.com/}" user_and_repo_name="''${user_and_repo_name#https://gitlab.com/}" if [[ "''${user_and_repo_name}" =~ / ]]; then user="''${user_and_repo_name%%/*}" else user="$GITUSER" [[ -z "$user" ]] && user="$USER" fi repo_name="''${user_and_repo_name##*/}" repo_name="''${repo_name%.git}" user_path="''${REPOS}/''${domain}/''${user}" repo_path="''${user_path}/''${repo_name}" [[ -d "''${repo_path}" ]] && t "''${repo_path}" && return ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p "''${user_path}" pushd "''${user_path}" echo ${pkgs.git}/bin/git bare-clone "''${repo_url}" "''${repo_name}" ${pkgs.git}/bin/git bare-clone "''${repo_url}" "''${repo_name}" popd t "''${repo_path}" } # Plugins source "''${ZPLUG_REPOS}/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh" source "''${ZPLUG_REPOS}/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/plugins/vi-mode/vi-mode.plugin.zsh" # Case insensitive autocompletion. zstyle ":completion:*" matcher-list "" "m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" "r:|=*" "l:|=* r:|=*" autoload -Uz compinit && compinit bindkey -s ^f "t\n" clear-ls-all() { clear lsd -al } zle -N clear-ls-all clear-git-status() { clear git status -sb . } zle -N clear-git-status clear-tree-2() { clear tree -L 2 } zle -N clear-tree-2 clear-tree-3() { clear tree -L 3 } zle -N clear-tree-3 bindkey '^G' clear-git-status # bindkey '^H' clear-tree-3 # bindkey '^J' clear-tree-2 # bindkey '^K' clear-ls-all # auto-completes aliases # enables to define # - normal aliases (completed with trailing space) # - blank aliases (completed without space) # - ignored aliases (not completed) # ignored aliases typeset -a ialiases ialiases=() ialias() { alias $@ args="$@" args=''${args%%\=*} ialiases+=(''${args##* }) } # blank aliases typeset -a baliases baliases=() balias() { alias $@ args="$@" args=''${args%%\=*} baliases+=(''${args##* }) } expand-alias-space() { [[ $LBUFFER =~ "\<(''${(j:|:)baliases})\$" ]]; insertBlank=$? if [[ ! $LBUFFER =~ "\<(''${(j:|:)ialiases})\$" ]]; then zle _expand_alias fi zle self-insert if [[ "$insertBlank" = "0" ]]; then zle backward-delete-char fi } zle -N expand-alias-space bindkey " " expand-alias-space bindkey -M isearch " " magic-space alias dea='direnv allow' alias dee='direnv edit' ialias cs="create-script" ialias daily="run create-daily next" ialias fetch="git fetch --all --jobs=4 --progress --prune" ialias ls="lsd -la" ialias pull="git pull --autostash --jobs=4 --summary origin" ialias rebase="git rebase --autostash --stat" ialias reset="git reset --hard; git clean -fd" ialias run="./run" ialias s="secrets" ialias secrets="doppler --project \"$(whoami)\" run" ialias switch="run nixos nixedo switch" ialias sz="source ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc" ialias tag="tag-release" ialias uncommit="git reset --soft HEAD^"; ialias update="fetch && rebase" ialias wip="git add . && git commit -m 'wip'"; ialias wt="git worktree" balias lh3="xdg-open http://localhost:3000" balias lh8="xdg-open http://localhost:8000" # tmux alias ta="tmux attach" alias tl="tmux list-sessions" alias tk="tmux kill-session" # Docker and Docker Compose. alias dk="docker" alias dkp="docker ps" alias dkpa="docker ps -a" alias dkpaq="docker ps -a -q" alias dkb="docker build -t" alias dks="docker start" alias dkt="docker stop" alias dkrm="docker rm" alias dkri="docker rmi" alias dke="docker exec -ti" alias dkl="docker logs -f" alias dki="docker images" alias dkpu="docker pull" alias dkph="docker push" alias dkbnc="docker build --no-cache -t" alias dkr="docker run --rm" alias dkrti="docker run --rm -ti" alias dkc="docker compose" alias dkcb="docker compose build" alias dkcu="docker compose up" alias dkclean="docker ps -q -a -f status=exited | xargs -r docker rm && docker images -q -f dangling=true | xargs -r docker rmi" # Nix and NixOS. alias nx="nix" alias nxb="nix build --json --no-link --print-build-logs" alias nxd="nix develop" alias nxf="nix flake" alias nxfu="nix flake update" alias nxs="nix shell" ialias full-system-clean='nix-collect-garbage -d && sudo nix-collect-garbage -d' ialias full-system-repair='nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair' ialias full-system-upgrade="sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade && nix-env -u '*'" ialias list-system-configurations='\ls -l /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-*-link' ialias local-upgrade="nix-channel --update nixpkgs && nix-env -u '*'" ialias set-default-boot='/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot' ialias system-rebuild='sudo nixos-rebuild switch' ialias system-repair='sudo nixos-rebuild switch --repair' ialias system-upgrade-information='sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade dry-build' alias tf="terraform" # run scripts. alias r="run" alias rc="run composer" alias rd="run drush" alias rdcr="run drush cr" alias rdup="run drush updb -y" alias rdce="run drush config:export -y" alias rdci="run drush config:import -y" alias rduli="run drush uli" # Build Configs. ialias build-configs="nix shell nixpkgs#php82 --command ~/Code/github.com/OliverDaviesLtd/build-configs/main/bin/build-configs app:generate" ialias build-configs-update-all="~/Code/github.com/OliverDaviesLtd/build-configs-updater/update.sh" alias bc=build-configs alias bcu=build-configs-update-all alias -g A1="| awk '{print \$1}'" alias -g Fj='| jq .' alias -g Fy='| yq .' alias -g G='| grep' alias -g GH='| grep HTTP' alias -g Gi='| grep -i' alias -g H2='| head -n 20' alias -g H='| head' alias -g L='| less' alias -g V='| vim -' alias -g X='| xargs -I1' setopt auto_cd setopt auto_pushd setopt pushd_ignore_dups setopt pushdminus ''; zplug = { enable = true; plugins = [ { name = "themes/robbyrussell"; tags = [ "from:oh-my-zsh" "as:theme" ]; } { name = "plugin/git"; tags = [ "from:oh-my-zsh" ]; } { name = "plugin/vi-mode"; tags = [ "from:oh-my-zsh" ]; } { name = "mollifier/cd-gitroot"; } { name = "zsh-users/zsh-completions"; } { name = "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting"; } ]; }; }; }