Add `vimPlugins.conform-nvim` to add formatting rst files with `rstfmt`.
This isn't supported as a formatter in `none-ls`, and I wanted to try
and potentially switch to `conform-nvim` and `nvim-lint` in the future,
so this is a potential first step towards that.
`rstfmt` itself is already installed and available within my additional
Vim packages.
This currently needs to be run manually, as I don't want to change my
default keybind for formatting until I've supported all the filetypes and formatters
I have in `none-ls`.
To run the foramt manually, run `:lua require"conform".format()`.
I recently restructed the contents of my `~/Code` directory so that
repositories are grouped by their provider and organisation.
For example, my `dotfiles` are now located at
Likewise, `build-configs` is now located at
`~/Code/` as it's within the
`OliverDaviesLtd` organisation.
As well as `~/Code/`, I also have `~/Code/` for
Bitbucket repositories. These are also grouped within subdirectories for
each organisation.
This change means I need to update any reference to the old `dotfiles`
location to the new one and I can update the `t` function to adjust the
min and max depth it uses to find directories.
Removing these keymaps as they conflict with C-j and C-k which navigates
between horizontal splits in tmux.
I also already have `]q`, `[q`, `]l` and `[l` that do the same `cnext`
and `lnext` navigation.
This reverts commit a02e2765f4.