Updated .gitconfig
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
path = ~/.gitconfig-local
ui = true
@ -20,53 +23,71 @@
autosetupmerge = true
autosetuprebase = always
aa = add --all
ap = add --patch
br = branch
c = commit -v
ca = commit --amend
caa = commit --amend -a -C HEAD
ca = !git c --amend
caa = !git ca -a -C HEAD
cam = !git c -am
cl = clone
cm = !git c -m
co = checkout
cp = checkout -p
f = fetch
g = grep --break --heading --line-number
lg = log --oneline --all --graph --decorate
l = log --oneline --graph --decorate
la = !git l --all
noff = merge --no-ff
prb = pull --rebase
ra = rebase --abort
rc = rebase --continue
st = status -s
s = status --short --branch
staged = diff --staged
undo = reset --hard
unstage = reset HEAD --
wipe = clean -fd
word-diff = diff --word-diff
# Print the name of the current branch.
current-branch = symbolic-ref --short HEAD
# Print the name of the current upstream tracking branch.
upstream = !git config --get branch.$(git current-branch).remote \
|| echo origin
# Checkout the latest develop branch and update it.
pull-develop = !git checkout develop && git pull --rebase
# Checkout the latest master branch and update it.
pull-master = !git checkout develop && git pull --rebase
# Update the develop, master and current branches.
pull-develop-master-current-branch = !BRANCH=$(git current-branch) && \
git fetch --all && git pull-develop && git pull-master && \
git checkout $BRANCH && git pull
# A global .gitignore file.
excludesFile = ~/.gitignore-global
whitespace = trailing-space
ignorecase = true
# Show the line numbers in the output.
lineNumber = true
patternType = extended
prune = true
# Always prune when fetching (and pulling).
prune = 1
autocorrect = 1
# Store and re-use manual conflict resolution changes.
enabled = 1
nogreeting = true
# Moved this into .gitconfig-local as this can be different depending on the version of Git.
# [push]
# default = simple
tool = vimdiff
path = ~/.gitconfig-local
Reference in a new issue