Remove starship, atuin and wezterm

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Davies 2024-08-13 09:15:00 +01:00
parent bcf8104617
commit 0acedf8bea
5 changed files with 8 additions and 212 deletions

View file

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ in
imports = [
(import ./modules/git.nix { inherit inputs pkgs pkgsUnstable; })
(import ./modules/neovim.nix { inherit inputs; })
@ -27,10 +26,8 @@ in

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
programs.atuin = {
enable = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;

View file

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
inherit (builtins) concatStringsSep;
programs.starship = {
enable = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;
settings = {
add_newline = false;
format = concatStringsSep "" [
direnv.disabled = false;
directory.format = "in [$path]($style) ";
git_status.disabled = true;
nix_shell.disabled = true;
nodejs.disabled = true;
php.disabled = true;
username = {
format = "[$user]($style) ";
show_always = true;
custom = {
mob = {
command = "echo $MOB_TIMER_ROOM";
format = "[($output)]($style) ";
when = "[[ -v MOB_TIMER_ROOM ]]";
aws.symbol = "aws ";
azure.symbol = "az ";
bun.symbol = "bun ";
c.symbol = "C ";
character = {
success_symbol = "[>](bold green)";
error_symbol = "[x](bold red)";
vimcmd_symbol = "[<](bold green)";
cobol.symbol = "cobol ";
conda.symbol = "conda ";
crystal.symbol = "cr ";
cmake.symbol = "cmake ";
daml.symbol = "daml ";
dart.symbol = "dart ";
deno.symbol = "deno ";
dotnet.symbol = ".NET ";
directory.read_only = " ro";
docker_context.symbol = "docker ";
elixir.symbol = "exs ";
elm.symbol = "elm ";
fennel.symbol = "fnl ";
fossil_branch.symbol = "fossil ";
gcloud.symbol = "gcp ";
git_branch.symbol = "git ";
git_commit.tag_symbol = " tag ";
git_status = {
ahead = ">";
behind = "<";
diverged = "<>";
renamed = "r";
deleted = "x";
gleam.symbol = "gleam ";
golang.symbol = "go ";
gradle.symbol = "gradle ";
guix_shell.symbol = "guix ";
hg_branch.symbol = "hg ";
java.symbol = "java ";
julia.symbol = "jl ";
kotlin.symbol = "kt ";
lua.symbol = "lua ";
nodejs.symbol = "nodejs ";
memory_usage.symbol = "memory ";
meson.symbol = "meson ";
nats.symbol = "nats ";
nim.symbol = "nim ";
nix_shell.symbol = "nix ";
ocaml.symbol = "ml ";
opa.symbol = "opa ";
os.symbols = {
AIX = "aix ";
Alpaquita = "alq ";
AlmaLinux = "alma ";
Alpine = "alp ";
Amazon = "amz ";
Android = "andr ";
Arch = "rch ";
Artix = "atx ";
CentOS = "cent ";
Debian = "deb ";
DragonFly = "dfbsd ";
Emscripten = "emsc ";
EndeavourOS = "ndev ";
Fedora = "fed ";
FreeBSD = "fbsd ";
Garuda = "garu ";
Gentoo = "gent ";
HardenedBSD = "hbsd ";
Illumos = "lum ";
Kali = "kali ";
Linux = "lnx ";
Mabox = "mbox ";
Macos = "mac ";
Manjaro = "mjo ";
Mariner = "mrn ";
MidnightBSD = "mid ";
Mint = "mint ";
NetBSD = "nbsd ";
NixOS = "nix ";
OpenBSD = "obsd ";
OpenCloudOS = "ocos ";
openEuler = "oeul ";
openSUSE = "osuse ";
OracleLinux = "orac ";
Pop = "pop ";
Raspbian = "rasp ";
Redhat = "rhl ";
RedHatEnterprise = "rhel ";
RockyLinux = "rky ";
Redox = "redox ";
Solus = "sol ";
SUSE = "suse ";
Ubuntu = "ubnt ";
Ultramarine = "ultm ";
Unknown = "unk ";
Void = "void ";
Windows = "win ";
package.symbol = "pkg ";
perl.symbol = "pl ";
php.symbol = "php ";
pijul_channel.symbol = "pijul ";
pulumi.symbol = "pulumi ";
purescript.symbol = "purs ";
python.symbol = "py ";
quarto.symbol = "quarto ";
raku.symbol = "raku ";
ruby.symbol = "rb ";
rust.symbol = "rs ";
scala.symbol = "scala ";
spack.symbol = "spack ";
solidity.symbol = "solidity ";
status.symbol = "[x](bold red) ";
sudo.symbol = "sudo ";
swift.symbol = "swift ";
typst.symbol = "typst ";
terraform.symbol = "terraform ";
zig.symbol = "zig ";

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs, self, ... }:
theme = import "${self}/lib/theme" { inherit pkgs; };
programs.wezterm = {
enable = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;
extraConfig = ''
return {
font = wezterm.font "${}",
-- TODO: use theme.fonts.monospace.size
font_size = 14.0,
hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true,
line_height = 1.5,
window_padding = {
bottom = 10,
left = 10,
right = 10,
top = 10,

View file

@ -79,6 +79,14 @@
enable = true;
plugins = [
name = "themes/robbyrussell";
tags = [
name = "plugin/git";
tags = [ "from:oh-my-zsh" ];