2019-06-05 20:29:17 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#: exec_target = cli
## Initialize/reinstall site
## Usage: fin init-site
# Abort if anything fails
set -e
#-------------------------- Helper functions --------------------------------
copy_settings_file() {
local source="$1"
local dest="$2"
echo "Copying ${dest}..."
cp $source $dest
composer_install() {
echo "Installing Composer dependencies..."
composer install
#-------------------------- END: Helper functions --------------------------------
#-------------------------- END: Functions --------------------------------
init_settings() {
copy_settings_file ../files/settings.php ../../web/sites/default
site_install() {
echo "Installing Drupal..."
drush site:install -y
import_config() {
drush config:set -y system.site uuid de7ba5dc-5795-4cb5-9d38-1edcc27be491
drush config:delete -y shortcut.set.default uuid
echo "Importing configuration..."
drush config:import -y --source=../config/sync
import_content() {
echo "Importing speakers from CSV..."
drush php:eval '\Drupal::service("Drupal\dtc_import\Service\Importer\CsvSpeakerImporter")->import()'
echo "Importing sessions from CSV..."
drush php:eval '\Drupal::service("Drupal\dtc_import\Service\Importer\CsvSessionImporter")->import()'
setup_users() {
echo "Creating the API user..."
drush user:create api --password=api
drush user:role:add api_user api
echo "Resetting uuid for the admin user..."
drush sql:query "UPDATE users SET uuid = '11dad4c2-baa8-4fb2-97c6-12e1ce925806' WHERE uid = 1"
echo "Resetting uuid for the API user..."
drush sql:query "UPDATE users SET uuid = '63936126-87cd-4166-9cb4-63b61a210632' WHERE uid = 7"
2019-06-07 06:38:14 +00:00
echo "Rebuilding cache..."
drush cache:rebuild
2019-06-05 20:29:17 +00:00
#-------------------------- END: Functions --------------------------------
#-------------------------- Execution --------------------------------
echo -e "Open ${yellow}http://${VIRTUAL_HOST}${NC} in your browser to verify the setup."
#-------------------------- END: Execution --------------------------------