37 lines
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37 lines
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<section id="speakers" class="tw-w-full sm:tw-max-w-5xl tw-mx-auto tw-text-center tw-my-12 md:tw-my-24">
<div class="tw-px-4">
<h2 class="tw-text-3xl md:tw-text-4xl tw-font-bold tw-mb-10">Featuring Talks From</h2>
<div class="text-left sm:tw-px-12">
<ul class="tw-list-reset tw-flex tw-flex-wrap tw--mx-4 tw--mb-10">
{% for speaker in speakers %}
<li class="tw-w-full lg:tw-w-1/2 tw-text-left tw-mb-10">
<a href="{{ speaker.url }}" class="group tw-px-4 tw-flex tw-flex-row-reverse tw-no-underline focus:tw-outline-none">
<span class="tw-flex-1 tw-flex tw-flex-col tw-justify-center">
<span class="tw-block tw-font-bold tw-text-xl tw-text-gray-900 group-hocus:tw-underline">{{ speaker.title }}</span>
<span class="tw-block tw-text-gray-800">
{% include 'speaker-role' with { speaker: speaker } %}
<span class="tw-w-24 md:tw-w-32 tw-mr-6">
<span class="tw-rounded-full tw-overflow-hidden tw-block tw-border-4 tw-border-solid tw-border-purple-500 group-hocus:tw-border-pink-500 tw-transition-border tw-transition-100">
<img class="tw-block tw-w-full" src="/images/speakers/{{ speaker.image }}" alt="Photo of {{ speaker.name }}">
{% endfor %}
<div class="tw-mt-12 tw-leading-relaxed">
<p class="tw-text-lg">
We’re currently in the process of announcing speakers.
<br class="tw-hidden md:tw-inline">
Check back soon to see who else has been added or <a class="tw-text-purple-600 hocus:tw-text-purple-700 hocus:tw-no-underline" href="{{ site.twitter.url }}">follow us on Twitter</a>.