title: DrupalCamp Bristol 2019

date: 2019-07-28

    open: false
    url: '%papercall.url%'

    url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/drupalcamp-bristol-2019-tickets-58986869314

    url: https://www.papercall.io/drupalcamp-bristol-2019

        - id: 1
          time: 8:30 am
          label: Registration and refreshments

        - id: 2
          time: 9:00 am
          label: Welcome

        - id: 3
          time: 9:10 am

        - id: 4
          time: 10:00 am

        - id: 5
          time: 10:30 am
          label: Refreshments

        - id: 6
          time: 10:50 am

        - id: 7
          time: 11:40 am

        - id: 8
          time: 12:10 pm
          label: Lunch

        - id: 9
          time: 1:10 pm

        - id: 10
          time: 2:00 pm

        - id: 12
          time: 2:30 pm
          label: Refreshments

        - id: 13
          time: 2:50 pm

        - id: 14
          time: 3:05 pm

        - id: 15
          time: 3:20 pm

        - id: 16
          time: 4:10 pm
          label: Closing remarks

        - id: 17
          time: 4:40 pm
          label: Drinks reception

    available: true
    url: '%eventbrite.url%'

  - gold
  - silver
  - bronze

    - name: Acquia
      description: |
        We provide the world’s most ambitious brands with technology that allows them to embrace innovation and create customer moments that matter. At Acquia, we believe in the power of community — giving our customers the freedom to build tomorrow on their terms.

        Acquia is helping some of the world’s leading brands succeed, including Twitter, Mercedes Benz, Warner Music Group, and Stanford University. More than 4,000 organizations are using Acquia’s solutions for content, community and commerce.
      logo: acquia.png
      url: https://www.acquia.com

    - name: Microserve
      description: |
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad sequi molestias animi aliquam? Quos explicabo quae voluptas, odio aliquam tempore repellat expedita sint, quo, quas molestiae! Id ea impedit repellendus.

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad sequi molestias animi aliquam? Quos explicabo quae voluptas, odio aliquam tempore repellat expedita sint, quo, quas molestiae! Id ea impedit repellendus.
      logo: microserve.png
      url: https://microserve.io
    - name: Drupalize.me
      logo: drupalize-me.png
      url: https://drupalize.me
      confirmed: true
    - name: Manifesto
      logo: tpx-manifesto.svg
      url: https://manifesto.co.uk

    url: https://twitter.com/drupalcampbris
    user: DrupalCampBris