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* domready (c) Dustin Diaz 2014 - License MIT
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* jQuery Once v2.1.1 - http://github.com/robloach/jquery-once
* @license MIT, GPL-2.0
* http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
* http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0
(function(e){"use strict";if(typeof exports==="object"){e(require("jquery"))}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define(["jquery"],e)}else{e(jQuery)}})(function(e){"use strict";var n=function(e){e=e||"once";if(typeof e!=="string"){throw new Error("The jQuery Once id parameter must be a string")}return e};e.fn.once=function(t){var r="jquery-once-"+n(t);return this.filter(function(){return e(this).data(r)!==true}).data(r,true)};e.fn.removeOnce=function(e){return this.findOnce(e).removeData("jquery-once-"+n(e))};e.fn.findOnce=function(t){var r="jquery-once-"+n(t);return this.filter(function(){return e(this).data(r)===true})}});
* @file
* Parse inline JSON and initialize the drupalSettings global object.
(function () {
'use strict';
// Use direct child elements to harden against XSS exploits when CSP is on.
var settingsElement = document.querySelector('head > script[type="application/json"][data-drupal-selector="drupal-settings-json"], body > script[type="application/json"][data-drupal-selector="drupal-settings-json"]');
* Variable generated by Drupal with all the configuration created from PHP.
* @global
* @type {object}
window.drupalSettings = {};
if (settingsElement !== null) {
window.drupalSettings = JSON.parse(settingsElement.textContent);
* @file
* Defines the Drupal JavaScript API.
* A jQuery object, typically the return value from a `$(selector)` call.
* Holds an HTMLElement or a collection of HTMLElements.
* @typedef {object} jQuery
* @prop {number} length=0
* Number of elements contained in the jQuery object.
* Variable generated by Drupal that holds all translated strings from PHP.
* Content of this variable is automatically created by Drupal when using the
* Interface Translation module. It holds the translation of strings used on
* the page.
* This variable is used to pass data from the backend to the frontend. Data
* contained in `drupalSettings` is used during behavior initialization.
* @global
* @var {object} drupalTranslations
* Global Drupal object.
* All Drupal JavaScript APIs are contained in this namespace.
* @global
* @namespace
window.Drupal = {behaviors: {}, locale: {}};
// JavaScript should be made compatible with libraries other than jQuery by
// wrapping it in an anonymous closure.
(function (Drupal, drupalSettings, drupalTranslations) {
'use strict';
* Helper to rethrow errors asynchronously.
* This way Errors bubbles up outside of the original callstack, making it
* easier to debug errors in the browser.
* @param {Error|string} error
* The error to be thrown.
Drupal.throwError = function (error) {
setTimeout(function () { throw error; }, 0);
* Custom error thrown after attach/detach if one or more behaviors failed.
* Initializes the JavaScript behaviors for page loads and Ajax requests.
* @callback Drupal~behaviorAttach
* @param {HTMLDocument|HTMLElement} context
* An element to detach behaviors from.
* @param {?object} settings
* An object containing settings for the current context. It is rarely used.
* @see Drupal.attachBehaviors
* Reverts and cleans up JavaScript behavior initialization.
* @callback Drupal~behaviorDetach
* @param {HTMLDocument|HTMLElement} context
* An element to attach behaviors to.
* @param {object} settings
* An object containing settings for the current context.
* @param {string} trigger
* One of `'unload'`, `'move'`, or `'serialize'`.
* @see Drupal.detachBehaviors
* @typedef {object} Drupal~behavior
* @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
* Function run on page load and after an Ajax call.
* @prop {Drupal~behaviorDetach} detach
* Function run when content is serialized or removed from the page.
* Holds all initialization methods.
* @namespace Drupal.behaviors
* @type {Object.<string, Drupal~behavior>}
* Defines a behavior to be run during attach and detach phases.
* Attaches all registered behaviors to a page element.
* Behaviors are event-triggered actions that attach to page elements,
* enhancing default non-JavaScript UIs. Behaviors are registered in the
* {@link Drupal.behaviors} object using the method 'attach' and optionally
* also 'detach'.
* {@link Drupal.attachBehaviors} is added below to the `jQuery.ready` event
* and therefore runs on initial page load. Developers implementing Ajax in
* their solutions should also call this function after new page content has
* been loaded, feeding in an element to be processed, in order to attach all
* behaviors to the new content.
* Behaviors should use `var elements =
* $(context).find(selector).once('behavior-name');` to ensure the behavior is
* attached only once to a given element. (Doing so enables the reprocessing
* of given elements, which may be needed on occasion despite the ability to
* limit behavior attachment to a particular element.)
* @example
* Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName = {
* attach: function (context, settings) {
* // ...
* },
* detach: function (context, settings, trigger) {
* // ...
* }
* };
* @param {HTMLDocument|HTMLElement} [context=document]
* An element to attach behaviors to.
* @param {object} [settings=drupalSettings]
* An object containing settings for the current context. If none is given,
* the global {@link drupalSettings} object is used.
* @see Drupal~behaviorAttach
* @see Drupal.detachBehaviors
* @throws {Drupal~DrupalBehaviorError}
Drupal.attachBehaviors = function (context, settings) {
context = context || document;
settings = settings || drupalSettings;
var behaviors = Drupal.behaviors;
// Execute all of them.
for (var i in behaviors) {
if (behaviors.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof behaviors[i].attach === 'function') {
// Don't stop the execution of behaviors in case of an error.
try {
behaviors[i].attach(context, settings);
catch (e) {
* Detaches registered behaviors from a page element.
* Developers implementing Ajax in their solutions should call this function
* before page content is about to be removed, feeding in an element to be
* processed, in order to allow special behaviors to detach from the content.
* Such implementations should use `.findOnce()` and `.removeOnce()` to find
* elements with their corresponding `Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName.attach`
* implementation, i.e. `.removeOnce('behaviorName')`, to ensure the behavior
* is detached only from previously processed elements.
* @param {HTMLDocument|HTMLElement} [context=document]
* An element to detach behaviors from.
* @param {object} [settings=drupalSettings]
* An object containing settings for the current context. If none given,
* the global {@link drupalSettings} object is used.
* @param {string} [trigger='unload']
* A string containing what's causing the behaviors to be detached. The
* possible triggers are:
* - `'unload'`: The context element is being removed from the DOM.
* - `'move'`: The element is about to be moved within the DOM (for example,
* during a tabledrag row swap). After the move is completed,
* {@link Drupal.attachBehaviors} is called, so that the behavior can undo
* whatever it did in response to the move. Many behaviors won't need to
* do anything simply in response to the element being moved, but because
* IFRAME elements reload their "src" when being moved within the DOM,
* behaviors bound to IFRAME elements (like WYSIWYG editors) may need to
* take some action.
* - `'serialize'`: When an Ajax form is submitted, this is called with the
* form as the context. This provides every behavior within the form an
* opportunity to ensure that the field elements have correct content
* in them before the form is serialized. The canonical use-case is so
* that WYSIWYG editors can update the hidden textarea to which they are
* bound.
* @throws {Drupal~DrupalBehaviorError}
* @see Drupal~behaviorDetach
* @see Drupal.attachBehaviors
Drupal.detachBehaviors = function (context, settings, trigger) {
context = context || document;
settings = settings || drupalSettings;
trigger = trigger || 'unload';
var behaviors = Drupal.behaviors;
// Execute all of them.
for (var i in behaviors) {
if (behaviors.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof behaviors[i].detach === 'function') {
// Don't stop the execution of behaviors in case of an error.
try {
behaviors[i].detach(context, settings, trigger);
catch (e) {
* Encodes special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML.
* @param {string} str
* The string to be encoded.
* @return {string}
* The encoded string.
* @ingroup sanitization
Drupal.checkPlain = function (str) {
str = str.toString()
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>');
return str;
* Replaces placeholders with sanitized values in a string.
* @param {string} str
* A string with placeholders.
* @param {object} args
* An object of replacements pairs to make. Incidences of any key in this
* array are replaced with the corresponding value. Based on the first
* character of the key, the value is escaped and/or themed:
* - `'!variable'`: inserted as is.
* - `'@variable'`: escape plain text to HTML ({@link Drupal.checkPlain}).
* - `'%variable'`: escape text and theme as a placeholder for user-
* submitted content ({@link Drupal.checkPlain} +
* `{@link Drupal.theme}('placeholder')`).
* @return {string}
* The formatted string.
* @see Drupal.t
Drupal.formatString = function (str, args) {
// Keep args intact.
var processedArgs = {};
// Transform arguments before inserting them.
for (var key in args) {
if (args.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
switch (key.charAt(0)) {
// Escaped only.
case '@':
processedArgs[key] = Drupal.checkPlain(args[key]);
// Pass-through.
case '!':
processedArgs[key] = args[key];
// Escaped and placeholder.
processedArgs[key] = Drupal.theme('placeholder', args[key]);
return Drupal.stringReplace(str, processedArgs, null);
* Replaces substring.
* The longest keys will be tried first. Once a substring has been replaced,
* its new value will not be searched again.
* @param {string} str
* A string with placeholders.
* @param {object} args
* Key-value pairs.
* @param {Array|null} keys
* Array of keys from `args`. Internal use only.
* @return {string}
* The replaced string.
Drupal.stringReplace = function (str, args, keys) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return str;
// If the array of keys is not passed then collect the keys from the args.
if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {
keys = [];
for (var k in args) {
if (args.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
// Order the keys by the character length. The shortest one is the first.
keys.sort(function (a, b) { return a.length - b.length; });
if (keys.length === 0) {
return str;
// Take next longest one from the end.
var key = keys.pop();
var fragments = str.split(key);
if (keys.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < fragments.length; i++) {
// Process each fragment with a copy of remaining keys.
fragments[i] = Drupal.stringReplace(fragments[i], args, keys.slice(0));
return fragments.join(args[key]);
* Translates strings to the page language, or a given language.
* See the documentation of the server-side t() function for further details.
* @param {string} str
* A string containing the English text to translate.
* @param {Object.<string, string>} [args]
* An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences
* of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.
* See {@link Drupal.formatString}.
* @param {object} [options]
* Additional options for translation.
* @param {string} [options.context='']
* The context the source string belongs to.
* @return {string}
* The formatted string.
* The translated string.
Drupal.t = function (str, args, options) {
options = options || {};
options.context = options.context || '';
// Fetch the localized version of the string.
if (typeof drupalTranslations !== 'undefined' && drupalTranslations.strings && drupalTranslations.strings[options.context] && drupalTranslations.strings[options.context][str]) {
str = drupalTranslations.strings[options.context][str];
if (args) {
str = Drupal.formatString(str, args);
return str;
* Returns the URL to a Drupal page.
* @param {string} path
* Drupal path to transform to URL.
* @return {string}
* The full URL.
Drupal.url = function (path) {
return drupalSettings.path.baseUrl + drupalSettings.path.pathPrefix + path;
* Returns the passed in URL as an absolute URL.
* @param {string} url
* The URL string to be normalized to an absolute URL.
* @return {string}
* The normalized, absolute URL.
* @see https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/v1.4.4/src/ng/urlUtils.js
* @see https://grack.com/blog/2009/11/17/absolutizing-url-in-javascript
* @see https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/blob/1.11.4/ui/tabs.js#L53
Drupal.url.toAbsolute = function (url) {
var urlParsingNode = document.createElement('a');
// Decode the URL first; this is required by IE <= 6. Decoding non-UTF-8
// strings may throw an exception.
try {
url = decodeURIComponent(url);
catch (e) {
// Empty.
urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', url);
// IE <= 7 normalizes the URL when assigned to the anchor node similar to
// the other browsers.
return urlParsingNode.cloneNode(false).href;
* Returns true if the URL is within Drupal's base path.
* @param {string} url
* The URL string to be tested.
* @return {bool}
* `true` if local.
* @see https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/blob/1.11.4/ui/tabs.js#L58
Drupal.url.isLocal = function (url) {
// Always use browser-derived absolute URLs in the comparison, to avoid
// attempts to break out of the base path using directory traversal.
var absoluteUrl = Drupal.url.toAbsolute(url);
var protocol = location.protocol;
// Consider URLs that match this site's base URL but use HTTPS instead of HTTP
// as local as well.
if (protocol === 'http:' && absoluteUrl.indexOf('https:') === 0) {
protocol = 'https:';
var baseUrl = protocol + '//' + location.host + drupalSettings.path.baseUrl.slice(0, -1);
// Decoding non-UTF-8 strings may throw an exception.
try {
absoluteUrl = decodeURIComponent(absoluteUrl);
catch (e) {
// Empty.
try {
baseUrl = decodeURIComponent(baseUrl);
catch (e) {
// Empty.
// The given URL matches the site's base URL, or has a path under the site's
// base URL.
return absoluteUrl === baseUrl || absoluteUrl.indexOf(baseUrl + '/') === 0;
* Formats a string containing a count of items.
* This function ensures that the string is pluralized correctly. Since
* {@link Drupal.t} is called by this function, make sure not to pass
* already-localized strings to it.
* See the documentation of the server-side
* \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface::formatPlural()
* function for more details.
* @param {number} count
* The item count to display.
* @param {string} singular
* The string for the singular case. Please make sure it is clear this is
* singular, to ease translation (e.g. use "1 new comment" instead of "1
* new"). Do not use @count in the singular string.
* @param {string} plural
* The string for the plural case. Please make sure it is clear this is
* plural, to ease translation. Use @count in place of the item count, as in
* "@count new comments".
* @param {object} [args]
* An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences
* of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.
* See {@link Drupal.formatString}.
* Note that you do not need to include @count in this array.
* This replacement is done automatically for the plural case.
* @param {object} [options]
* The options to pass to the {@link Drupal.t} function.
* @return {string}
* A translated string.
Drupal.formatPlural = function (count, singular, plural, args, options) {
args = args || {};
args['@count'] = count;
var pluralDelimiter = drupalSettings.pluralDelimiter;
var translations = Drupal.t(singular + pluralDelimiter + plural, args, options).split(pluralDelimiter);
var index = 0;
// Determine the index of the plural form.
if (typeof drupalTranslations !== 'undefined' && drupalTranslations.pluralFormula) {
index = count in drupalTranslations.pluralFormula ? drupalTranslations.pluralFormula[count] : drupalTranslations.pluralFormula['default'];
else if (args['@count'] !== 1) {
index = 1;
return translations[index];
* Encodes a Drupal path for use in a URL.
* For aesthetic reasons slashes are not escaped.
* @param {string} item
* Unencoded path.
* @return {string}
* The encoded path.
Drupal.encodePath = function (item) {
return window.encodeURIComponent(item).replace(/%2F/g, '/');
* Generates the themed representation of a Drupal object.
* All requests for themed output must go through this function. It examines
* the request and routes it to the appropriate theme function. If the current
* theme does not provide an override function, the generic theme function is
* called.
* @example
* <caption>To retrieve the HTML for text that should be emphasized and
* displayed as a placeholder inside a sentence.</caption>
* Drupal.theme('placeholder', text);
* @namespace
* @param {function} func
* The name of the theme function to call.
* @param {...args}
* Additional arguments to pass along to the theme function.
* @return {string|object|HTMLElement|jQuery}
* Any data the theme function returns. This could be a plain HTML string,
* but also a complex object.
Drupal.theme = function (func) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1]);
if (func in Drupal.theme) {
return Drupal.theme[func].apply(this, args);
* Formats text for emphasized display in a placeholder inside a sentence.
* @param {string} str
* The text to format (plain-text).
* @return {string}
* The formatted text (html).
Drupal.theme.placeholder = function (str) {
return '<em class="placeholder">' + Drupal.checkPlain(str) + '</em>';
})(Drupal, window.drupalSettings, window.drupalTranslations);
// Allow other JavaScript libraries to use $.
if (window.jQuery) {
// Class indicating that JS is enabled; used for styling purpose.
document.documentElement.className += ' js';
// JavaScript should be made compatible with libraries other than jQuery by
// wrapping it in an anonymous closure.
(function (domready, Drupal, drupalSettings) {
'use strict';
// Attach all behaviors.
domready(function () { Drupal.attachBehaviors(document, drupalSettings); });
})(domready, Drupal, window.drupalSettings);
* @file
* Adapted from underscore.js with the addition Drupal namespace.
* Limits the invocations of a function in a given time frame.
* The debounce function wrapper should be used sparingly. One clear use case
* is limiting the invocation of a callback attached to the window resize event.
* Before using the debounce function wrapper, consider first whether the
* callback could be attached to an event that fires less frequently or if the
* function can be written in such a way that it is only invoked under specific
* conditions.
* @param {function} func
* The function to be invoked.
* @param {number} wait
* The time period within which the callback function should only be
* invoked once. For example if the wait period is 250ms, then the callback
* will only be called at most 4 times per second.
* @param {bool} immediate
* Whether we wait at the beginning or end to execute the function.
* @return {function}
* The debounced function.
Drupal.debounce = function (func, wait, immediate) {
'use strict';
var timeout;
var result;
return function () {
var context = this;
var args = arguments;
var later = function () {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) {
result = func.apply(context, args);
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) {
result = func.apply(context, args);
return result;
/*! jquery.cookie v1.4.1 | MIT */
!function(a){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],a):"object"==typeof exports?a(require("jquery")):a(jQuery)}(function(a){function b(a){return h.raw?a:encodeURIComponent(a)}function c(a){return h.raw?a:decodeURIComponent(a)}function d(a){return b(h.json?JSON.stringify(a):String(a))}function e(a){0===a.indexOf('"')&&(a=a.slice(1,-1).replace(/\\"/g,'"').replace(/\\\\/g,"\\"));try{return a=decodeURIComponent(a.replace(g," ")),h.json?JSON.parse(a):a}catch(b){}}function f(b,c){var d=h.raw?b:e(b);return a.isFunction(c)?c(d):d}var g=/\+/g,h=a.cookie=function(e,g,i){if(void 0!==g&&!a.isFunction(g)){if(i=a.extend({},h.defaults,i),"number"==typeof i.expires){var j=i.expires,k=i.expires=new Date;k.setTime(+k+864e5*j)}return document.cookie=[b(e),"=",d(g),i.expires?"; expires="+i.expires.toUTCString():"",i.path?"; path="+i.path:"",i.domain?"; domain="+i.domain:"",i.secure?"; secure":""].join("")}for(var l=e?void 0:{},m=document.cookie?document.cookie.split("; "):[],n=0,o=m.length;o>n;n++){var p=m[n].split("="),q=c(p.shift()),r=p.join("=");if(e&&e===q){l=f(r,g);break}e||void 0===(r=f(r))||(l[q]=r)}return l};h.defaults={},a.removeCookie=function(b,c){return void 0===a.cookie(b)?!1:(a.cookie(b,"",a.extend({},c,{expires:-1})),!a.cookie(b))}});;
* @file
* Form features.
* Triggers when a value in the form changed.
* The event triggers when content is typed or pasted in a text field, before
* the change event triggers.
* @event formUpdated
(function ($, Drupal, debounce) {
'use strict';
* Retrieves the summary for the first element.
* @return {string}
* The text of the summary.
$.fn.drupalGetSummary = function () {
var callback = this.data('summaryCallback');
return (this[0] && callback) ? $.trim(callback(this[0])) : '';
* Sets the summary for all matched elements.
* @param {function} callback
* Either a function that will be called each time the summary is
* retrieved or a string (which is returned each time).
* @return {jQuery}
* jQuery collection of the current element.
* @fires event:summaryUpdated
* @listens event:formUpdated
$.fn.drupalSetSummary = function (callback) {
var self = this;
// To facilitate things, the callback should always be a function. If it's
// not, we wrap it into an anonymous function which just returns the value.
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
var val = callback;
callback = function () { return val; };
return this
.data('summaryCallback', callback)
// To prevent duplicate events, the handlers are first removed and then
// (re-)added.
.on('formUpdated.summary', function () {
// The actual summaryUpdated handler doesn't fire when the callback is
// changed, so we have to do this manually.
* Prevents consecutive form submissions of identical form values.
* Repetitive form submissions that would submit the identical form values
* are prevented, unless the form values are different to the previously
* submitted values.
* This is a simplified re-implementation of a user-agent behavior that
* should be natively supported by major web browsers, but at this time, only
* Firefox has a built-in protection.
* A form value-based approach ensures that the constraint is triggered for
* consecutive, identical form submissions only. Compared to that, a form
* button-based approach would (1) rely on [visible] buttons to exist where
* technically not required and (2) require more complex state management if
* there are multiple buttons in a form.
* This implementation is based on form-level submit events only and relies
* on jQuery's serialize() method to determine submitted form values. As such,
* the following limitations exist:
* - Event handlers on form buttons that preventDefault() do not receive a
* double-submit protection. That is deemed to be fine, since such button
* events typically trigger reversible client-side or server-side
* operations that are local to the context of a form only.
* - Changed values in advanced form controls, such as file inputs, are not
* part of the form values being compared between consecutive form submits
* (due to limitations of jQuery.serialize()). That is deemed to be
* acceptable, because if the user forgot to attach a file, then the size of
* HTTP payload will most likely be small enough to be fully passed to the
* server endpoint within (milli)seconds. If a user mistakenly attached a
* wrong file and is technically versed enough to cancel the form submission
* (and HTTP payload) in order to attach a different file, then that
* edge-case is not supported here.
* Lastly, all forms submitted via HTTP GET are idempotent by definition of
* HTTP standards, so excluded in this implementation.
* @type {Drupal~behavior}
Drupal.behaviors.formSingleSubmit = {
attach: function () {
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var $form = $(e.currentTarget);
var formValues = $form.serialize();
var previousValues = $form.attr('data-drupal-form-submit-last');
if (previousValues === formValues) {
else {
$form.attr('data-drupal-form-submit-last', formValues);
.on('submit.singleSubmit', 'form:not([method~="GET"])', onFormSubmit);
* Sends a 'formUpdated' event each time a form element is modified.
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* The element to trigger a form updated event on.
* @fires event:formUpdated
function triggerFormUpdated(element) {
* Collects the IDs of all form fields in the given form.
* @param {HTMLFormElement} form
* The form element to search.
* @return {Array}
* Array of IDs for form fields.
function fieldsList(form) {
var $fieldList = $(form).find('[name]').map(function (index, element) {
// We use id to avoid name duplicates on radio fields and filter out
// elements with a name but no id.
return element.getAttribute('id');
// Return a true array.
return $.makeArray($fieldList);
* Triggers the 'formUpdated' event on form elements when they are modified.
* @type {Drupal~behavior}
* @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
* Attaches formUpdated behaviors.
* @prop {Drupal~behaviorDetach} detach
* Detaches formUpdated behaviors.
* @fires event:formUpdated
Drupal.behaviors.formUpdated = {
attach: function (context) {
var $context = $(context);
var contextIsForm = $context.is('form');
var $forms = (contextIsForm ? $context : $context.find('form')).once('form-updated');
var formFields;
if ($forms.length) {
// Initialize form behaviors, use $.makeArray to be able to use native
// forEach array method and have the callback parameters in the right
// order.
$.makeArray($forms).forEach(function (form) {
var events = 'change.formUpdated input.formUpdated ';
var eventHandler = debounce(function (event) { triggerFormUpdated(event.target); }, 300);
formFields = fieldsList(form).join(',');
form.setAttribute('data-drupal-form-fields', formFields);
$(form).on(events, eventHandler);
// On ajax requests context is the form element.
if (contextIsForm) {
formFields = fieldsList(context).join(',');
// @todo replace with form.getAttribute() when #1979468 is in.
var currentFields = $(context).attr('data-drupal-form-fields');
// If there has been a change in the fields or their order, trigger
// formUpdated.
if (formFields !== currentFields) {
detach: function (context, settings, trigger) {
var $context = $(context);
var contextIsForm = $context.is('form');
if (trigger === 'unload') {
var $forms = (contextIsForm ? $context : $context.find('form')).removeOnce('form-updated');
if ($forms.length) {
$.makeArray($forms).forEach(function (form) {
* Prepopulate form fields with information from the visitor browser.
* @type {Drupal~behavior}
* @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
* Attaches the behavior for filling user info from browser.
Drupal.behaviors.fillUserInfoFromBrowser = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
var userInfo = ['name', 'mail', 'homepage'];
var $forms = $('[data-user-info-from-browser]').once('user-info-from-browser');
if ($forms.length) {
userInfo.map(function (info) {
var $element = $forms.find('[name=' + info + ']');
var browserData = localStorage.getItem('Drupal.visitor.' + info);
var emptyOrDefault = ($element.val() === '' || ($element.attr('data-drupal-default-value') === $element.val()));
if ($element.length && emptyOrDefault && browserData) {
$forms.on('submit', function () {
userInfo.map(function (info) {
var $element = $forms.find('[name=' + info + ']');
if ($element.length) {
localStorage.setItem('Drupal.visitor.' + info, $element.val());
})(jQuery, Drupal, Drupal.debounce);