# Cardiff BJJ
Website for the [Rob Taylor Jiu-Jitsu Academy][4] (CRA Cardiff).
Built with [Sculpin][0] and [Tailwind CSS][1] by [Oliver Davies][2].
Hosted on [Netlify][3].
## Prerequisites
- Composer
- Yarn
## Setup
git clone https://github.com/cardiff-bjj/website cardiff-bjj
cd cardiff-bjj
composer install
yarn install
## Build
yarn watch
vendor/bin/sculpin generate --watch --server
Your newly generated clone is now accessible at `http://localhost:8000`.
## Production deployments
The live site is updated automatically when new commits are pushed to the `master` branch.
[0]: https://sculpin.io
[1]: https://tailwindcss.com
[2]: https://www.oliverdavies.uk
[3]: https://www.netlify.com
[4]: https://www.cardiffbjj.co.uk