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synced 2025-03-18 11:23:15 +00:00
Use the long form name for each option instead of short hand names or a combination of both - e.g. `set -eu` and `set -o pipefail`.
141 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable file
141 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# {{ managedText | raw }}
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# Run automated tests as part of the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline.
function ci:test {
docker compose version
docker network create traefik_proxy
cp --no-clobber .env.example .env
docker compose build --progress plain
docker compose up --detach
docker compose logs
composer install --quiet --no-progress
{% if not php.phpcs is same as false %}
test --testdox
{% endif %}
{% if not php.phpcs is same as false and not php.phpstan is same as false %}
{% endif %}
# Run a command within the php container.
function cmd {
docker compose exec php "${@}"
{% if not php.phpcs is same as false %}
function coding-standards {
cmd phpcs "${@}"
{% endif %}
function composer {
_exec php composer "${@}"
function drush {
_exec php drush "${@}"
function git-hooks:off {
git config --unset core.hooksPath
function git-hooks:on {
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
# Display a list of all available commands.
function help {
printf "%s <task> [args]\n\nTasks:\n" "${0}"
compgen -A function | grep -v "^_" | cat -n
printf "\nExtended help:\n Each task has comments for general usage\n"
function lint:dockerfile {
docker container run --rm -i \
hadolint/hadolint hadolint --ignore DL3008 --ignore DL3059 -t style "${@}" - < Dockerfile
{% if not php.phpcs is same as false and not php.phpstan is same as false %}
function quality {
{% if not php.phpcs is same as false %}
{% endif %}
{% if not php.phpstan is same as false %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
function start {
cp -v --no-clobber .env.example .env
docker compose up -d
{% if not php.phpstan is same as false %}
function static-analysis {
cmd phpstan --memory-limit=-1 --no-progress "${@}"
{% endif %}
function stop {
docker compose down
{% if not php.phpunit is same as false %}
function test {
_exec php phpunit --colors=always "${@}"
{% endif %}
function test:commit {
{% if not php.phpunit is same as false %}
test --testdox --testsuite functional
test --testdox --testsuite kernel
test --testdox --testsuite unit
{% endif %}
function _exec {
docker compose exec -T "${@}"
function _run {
local service="${1}"
local command="${2}"
docker compose run \
--entrypoint "${command}" \
--no-deps \
--rm \
-T \
"${service}" "${@}"
# Include any local tasks.
[[ -e run.local ]] && source run.local
TIMEFORMAT=$'\nTask completed in %3lR'
time "${@:-help}"
# vim: ft=bash