configurationDataDTO = self::createConfigurationDTO(); $this->validator = Validation::createValidatorBuilder() ->enableAnnotationMapping() ->getValidator(); } /** * @dataProvider extraDatabaseProvider */ public function testThatExtraDatabasesCanBeSpecified( ?array $extraDatabases, int $expectedViolationCount, ?string $expectedMessage, ): void { $this->configurationDataDTO->database = [ 'extra_databases' => $extraDatabases, 'type' => 'mariadb', 'version' => 10, ]; $violations = $this->validator->validate($this->configurationDataDTO); self::assertCount( expectedCount: $expectedViolationCount, haystack: $violations, ); if ($expectedViolationCount > 0) { self::assertSame( actual: 'database[extra_databases][0]', expected: $violations[0]->getPropertyPath(), ); self::assertSame( actual: $expectedMessage, expected: $violations[0]->getMessage(), ); } } /** * @dataProvider projectNameProvider */ public function testTheProjectNameShouldBeAString( mixed $projectName, int $expectedViolationCount, ?string $expectedMessage, ): void { if ($projectName === null) { self::expectException(NotNormalizableValueException::class); } $configurationDataDTO = self::createConfigurationDTO(); $configurationDataDTO->name = $projectName; $violations = $this->validator->validate($configurationDataDTO); self::assertCount( expectedCount: $expectedViolationCount, haystack: $violations, ); if ($violations->count() > 0) { self::assertSame( actual: $expectedMessage, expected: $violations[0]->getMessage(), ); } } /** * @dataProvider projectLanguageProvider */ public function testTheProjectLanguageShouldBeASupportedLanguage( string $language, int $expectedViolationCount, ?string $expectedMessage, ): void { $configurationDataDTO = self::createConfigurationDTO(); $configurationDataDTO->language = $language; $violations = $this->validator->validate($configurationDataDTO); self::assertCount( expectedCount: $expectedViolationCount, haystack: $violations, ); if ($expectedViolationCount > 0) { self::assertSame( actual: $language, expected: $violations[0]->getInvalidValue(), ); self::assertSame( actual: $expectedMessage, expected: $violations[0]->getMessage(), ); } } /** * @dataProvider projectTypeProvider */ public function testTheProjectTypeShouldBeASupportedType( string $projectType, int $expectedViolationCount, ?string $expectedMessage, ): void { $configurationDataDTO = self::createConfigurationDTO(); $configurationDataDTO->type = $projectType; $violations = $this->validator->validate($configurationDataDTO); self::assertCount( expectedCount: $expectedViolationCount, haystack: $violations, ); if ($expectedViolationCount > 0) { self::assertSame( actual: $projectType, expected: $violations[0]->getInvalidValue(), ); self::assertSame( actual: $expectedMessage, expected: $violations[0]->getMessage(), ); } } /** * @dataProvider validWebServerTypesProvider */ public function testTheWebServerTypeIsValid( string $webServer, int $expectedViolationCount, ?string $expectedMessage, ): void { $configurationDataDTO = self::createConfigurationDTO(); $configurationDataDTO->web['type'] = $webServer; $violations = $this->validator->validate($configurationDataDTO); self::assertCount( expectedCount: $expectedViolationCount, haystack: $violations, ); if ($expectedViolationCount > 0) { self::assertSame( actual: $webServer, expected: $violations[0]->getInvalidValue(), ); self::assertSame( actual: $expectedMessage, expected: $violations[0]->getMessage(), ); } } public function extraDatabaseProvider(): \Generator { return [ yield 'correct' => [['migrate'], 0, null], yield 'empty string' => [[''], 1, 'This value should not be blank.'], yield 'missing' => [null, 0, null], yield 'no extra databases' => [[], 0, null], ]; } public function projectLanguageProvider(): \Generator { return [ yield 'Supported language string' => ['php', 0, null], yield 'Non-supported language string' => ['not-supported', 1, 'The value you selected is not a valid choice.'], yield 'Empty string' => ['', 1, 'The value you selected is not a valid choice.'], ]; } public function projectNameProvider(): \Generator { return [ yield 'Non-empty string' => ['test', 0, null], yield 'Empty string' => ['', 1, 'This value should not be blank.'], ]; } public function projectTypeProvider(): \Generator { return [ yield 'astro' => [ProjectType::Astro->value, 0, null], yield 'drupal' => [ProjectType::Drupal->value, 0, null], yield 'fractal' => [ProjectType::Fractal->value, 0, null], yield 'invalid' => ['not-a-project-type', 1, 'The value you selected is not a valid choice.'], yield 'laravel' => [ProjectType::Laravel->value, 0, null], yield 'php-library' => [ProjectType::PHPLibrary->value, 0, null], yield 'symfony' => [ProjectType::Symfony->value, 0, null], yield 'terraform' => [ProjectType::Terraform->value, 0, null], ]; } public function validWebServerTypesProvider(): \Generator { return [ yield 'caddy' => [WebServer::Caddy->value, 0, null], yield 'invalid' => ['not-a-valid-web-server', 1, 'The value you selected is not a valid choice.'], yield 'nginx' => [WebServer::Nginx->value, 0, null], ]; } private static function createConfigurationDTO(): Config { $configurationDataDTO = new Config(); $configurationDataDTO->language = 'php'; $configurationDataDTO->name = 'test'; $configurationDataDTO->type = 'drupal'; return $configurationDataDTO; } }