#!/usr/bin/env bash

# {{ managedText | raw }}

set -o errexit
set -o pipefail


{% if isDocker %}
# If we're running in CI we need to disable TTY allocation for docker compose
# commands that enable it by default, such as exec and run.
if [[ ! -t 1 ]]; then
{% endif %}

# Remove and generated or temporary files.
function build {
{% if isDocker %}
  cmd fractal build "${@}"
{% else %}
  fractal build "${@}"
{% endif %}

function ci:build {
{% if isDocker %}
  cp -v --no-clobber .env.example .env

  docker network create traefik_proxy || true

  docker compose up -d
{% endif %}


# Remove and generated or temporary files.
function clean {
  rm -fr build node_modules
  touch build/.keep

# Disable Git hooks.
function git-hooks:off {
  git config --unset core.hooksPath

# Enable Git hooks.
function git-hooks:on {
  git config core.hooksPath .githooks

# Create a new Fractal component.
function fractal:new {
  mkdir -p "components/${1}"

  echo "name: ${1}" > "components/${1}/${1}.config.yml"
  echo "${1}" > "components/${1}/${1}.twig"

# Display a list of all available commands.
function help {
  printf "%s <task> [args]\n\nTasks:\n" "${0}"

  compgen -A function | grep -v "^_" | cat -n

  printf "\nExtended help:\n  Each task has comments for general usage\n"

# Start the project.
function start {
  {% if not isFlake %}
    cp -v --no-clobber .env.example .env
    docker compose up -d
  {% else %}
    fractal start --sync
  {% endif %}

function sync {
  fractal build

  aws s3 sync "build/." s3://"${BUCKET_NAME}" \
    --acl "public-read" \
    --cache-control max-age=3600

{% if not isFlake %}
# Run a command within the node container.
function cmd {
  docker compose exec node yarn "${@}"

# Stop the project
function stop {
  docker compose down

# Execute yarn commands.
function yarn {
  cmd node yarn "${@}"

function _run {
  local service="${1}"
  local command="${2}"

  docker compose run \
    --entrypoint "${command}" \
    --no-deps \
    --rm \
    -T \
    "${service}" "${@}"
{% endif %}

# Include any local tasks.
[[ -e run.local ]] && source run.local

TIMEFORMAT=$'\nTask completed in %3lR'
time "${@:-help}"

# vim: ft=bash