# {{ managedText | raw }} default: @just --list # Start the project start: cp -v --no-clobber .env.example .env docker compose up -d # Stop the project stop: docker compose down {% if "php" is same as language %} composer *args: {{ "just _exec php composer {{ args }}" | raw }} alias phpunit := test test *args: {{ "just _run php phpunit {{ args }}" | raw }} {% endif %} {% if "drupal-project" is same as type %} drush *args: {{ "just _exec php drush {{ args }}" | raw }} install *args: {{ "just _exec php drush site:install -y {{ args }}" | raw }} {% endif %} {% if "node" is same as language %} yarn *args: {{ "just _exec node yarn {{ args }}" | raw }} {% endif %} {% if "fractal" is same as type %} fractal *args: {{ "just yarn fractal {{ args }}" | raw }} clean: rm -fr build build *args: just fractal build {{ args }} sync: clean build #!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux aws s3 sync "build/." s3://"${BUCKET_NAME}" \ --acl "public-read" \ --cache-control max-age=3600 {% endif %} {% if "laravel" is same as type %} artisan *args: {{ "just _run artisan {{ args }}" | raw }} {% endif %} _exec +args: {{ "docker compose exec {{ args }}" | raw }} _run service command *args: docker compose run \ --entrypoint {{ "{{ command }}"|raw }} \ --no-deps \ --rm \ -T \ {{ "{{ service }} {{ args }}"|raw }}