feat(drupal): add justfile

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Davies 2023-09-24 23:13:24 +01:00
parent e1e2a6c88c
commit bfee1e8029
2 changed files with 69 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ final class CreateListOfFilesToGenerate
new TemplateFile(data: 'drupal/.hadolint.yaml', name: '.hadolint.yaml'),
new TemplateFile(data: 'drupal/Dockerfile', name: 'Dockerfile'),
new TemplateFile(data: 'drupal/docker-compose.yaml', name: 'docker-compose.yaml'),
new TemplateFile(data: 'drupal/justfile', name: 'justfile'),
$extraDatabases = Arr::get($configurationData, 'database.extra_databases', []);

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# {{ managedText | raw }}
@just --list
# Start the project
cp -v --no-clobber .env.example .env
docker compose up -d
# Stop the project
docker compose down
composer *args:
{{ "just _exec php composer {{ args }}" | raw }}
alias phpunit := test
test *args:
{{ "just _exec php phpunit --colors=always {{ args }}" | raw }}
drush *args:
{{ "just _exec php drush {{ args }}" | raw }}
install *args:
{{ "just _exec php drush site:install -y {{ args }}" | raw }}
# Enable or disable Git hooks
git-hooks command:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
case "{{ '{{ command }}'|raw }}" in
echo "Enabling Git hooks..."
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
echo "Disabling Git hooks..."
git config --unset core.hooksPath
echo "Error: Invalid argument. Must be either 'on' or 'off'"
{% if experimental.runGitHooksBeforePush %}
just _run php phpcs
just _run php phpstan analyze --no-progress --memory-limit=512M
just test --testdox --testsuite unit
just test --testdox --testsuite kernel
{% endif %}
_exec +args:
{{ "docker compose exec -T {{ args }}" | raw }}
_run service command *args:
docker compose run \
--entrypoint {{ "{{ command }}"|raw }} \
--no-deps \
--rm \
-T \
{{ "{{ service }} {{ args }}"|raw }}
# vim: ft=just